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"There is no perfection only life."

Milan Kundera

When you think back on your life, which memories stand out the most? For me it's flying down the neighborhood's biggest hill on my sled, the sound of horseshoes clinking at the annual summer block party, playing sharks and minnows at the community pool and spending hours making friendship bracelets under the pavilion. It's sweet, sticky snowballs and super soaker battles with my friends, listening to Beatles tapes in my mom's Taurus, and the exact Stanley mug my dad used for his coffee. These are the memories of childhood, and they are exactly the kinds of memories I want my own family to hold sacred.

And the memories I want to keep for me? The smell of my baby girl's hair after a bath, her doe-eyed expression peeking over the top of her beloved bottle, the roll of skin above her knees, the way she smiles with her entire face when she sees her dad, and the wonder with which she views even the smallest things.


The seemingly mundane, everyday moments, the smells, the tastes, the sounds of childhood, of motherhood, of life - that is what I am inspired to document. The perfect family portrait won't be the thing you remember when you look back on your life - it'll be all the things in between. I encourage you to consider preserving your family's memories in the moment you're in right now.


Life moves so fast! I am here to help you capture it.


Hi, I'm Lisa!

I'm so glad you stopped by! I'm a family and lifestyle photographer born, raised and currently located in Baltimore, Maryland.

My mission is to tell your family's unique story by capturing those honest, real moments...the messy, the everyday, the imperfect...oh, and I'm a sucker for humor and a big grin. If that sounds like your vibe too, then let's chat!

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Let's be friends!

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